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Morning Star - a general history

Official No. 84544:

Owners: 1882 Johnson Bros. & Co., West Hartlepool.

Masters: 1882 Robert Verrill.

On a voyage from Bilbao for Rotterdam with a cargo of iron-ore & a total crew of 14 Morning Star was wrecked at Vieux Boucau on 27 October 1882. A huge sea struck the vessel which stove in the main hatches, knocked the bridge & chart house away & broke three boats to pieces. One man was washed overboard, two sailors were injured & the mate’s thigh was broken. The vessel was foundering so they tried to run for land & during this time the badly injured mate had elected to stay in the mess-room & was drowned. Henry Robinson took a line & swam for shore & by this means the rest of the crew were saved but one of the sailors died 18 hours later

Survivors 1882:



Milburne, Thomas F, chief engineer, Middlesbrough

Newton, Frank, able seaman

Robinson, Henry, donkeyman, West Hartlepool

Verril Robert, master, Middlesbrough

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