Completed July 1902; Official No. 115134: Code Letters TMBV.
Owners: 1902 Lilly Shipping Co (J Lilly & Co) West Hartlepool: 1910 Cia Naviera Sota & Aznar, Bilbao, Spain-renamed Urkiola-Mendi: 1938 Jose de Navas Escuder, Bilbao–renamed Argentona: 1950 Transports Aduanas y Consignaciones SA, Barcelona–renamed Sac Valencia
Masters: 1905-08 J Henderson: 1909 E Thomas: 1915 M Izaguirre: 1916 G Uriaarte: 1918-20 I Teran.
On 15 February 1926 the Isle of Wight lifeboat Susan Ashley assisted in the rescue of 5 crew of the Urkiola-Mendi.